Upon Job Placement the consumers will be assisted with job orientation assistance

Frequently Asked Questions



My father is only 63 years old, but otherwise he seems to meet the other requirements for MSSP.
Can MSSP still help?



What does it mean to be "certifiable for nursing facility placement"?
I do not want to have to go into a nursing home.

Since you must be at least age 65 to enroll in MSSP, your father would not be eligible for this program at this time. Your local Area Agency on Aging (AAA) can provide information and refer you to the other services in your father's community. The local AAA is listed in the telephone business white pages, or call 1-800-510-2020 for AAA nearest his home.




Why do you have to be on Medi-Call to be on MSSP?

Being "certifiable" or "eligible" for nursing facility placement just means that you have disabilities that would qualify you to be in a nursing facility - it does not mean that you  have to go into a nursing facility. A nurse who works for MSSP  makes the certification. The goal of MSSP services is to see that people get the help they need to stay in their own homes as long as possible.

The Medi-Cal program funds MSSP, so all enrollees of MSSP have to meet Medi-Cal eligibility criteria.

If I was to enroll in MSSP program, could I still keep my In-Home Support Services caregiver?

Yes you can keep your same In-Home Support Services caregiver, as In-Home Support Services is a separate program from MSSP.



What if I need a service not covered by MSSP?

There is no guarantee that MSSP will be able to pay for every service you need. When a need is identified, the first option is always to check whether family or friends can help. If this does not work, then  we look to other agencies in your community that have programs for which you might be able to qualify (e.g. In-home Supportive Services, Meals on Wheels, etc.). Only if these other sources cannot help will MSSP consider whether its program funds can be spent. This determination is based on several factors, including the type of service (only a few things can be paid for by MSSP) and the reasons why other providers are not adequate for your needs)



Work Services









What is the Work Services Program?

The Work Services Program provides vocational training for people with disabilities within the areas of Janitorial and Grounds Care.

Who qualifies for the Work  Services Program?

Any person with the following disabilities:  Intellectual Disability, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, and Epilepsy and is a registered client with San Diego Regional Center.

What do I need to be eligible to work in the Work Services Program?

How much will I earn if the Work Services Program hires me?

In order to apply for Work Services Program you must meet all the following requirement:

  1. Be 18 years of age or older
  2. Have a qualifying disability: Intellectual Disability, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy
  3. Must pass a background check with Department of Justice and Department of Defense
  4. Be able to work various shifts and hours (including weekends and holidays)
  5. Be unemployed or underemployed
  6. No history of any dangerous activity in the last 12 months.
  7. Not require extensive, ongoing medical interventions and be able to self-medicate
  8. Interested in receiving services that will help secure a job
  9. Be willing to be in the program
  10. Be able to pay for the services or have someone pay for you
  11. Be able to care of personal needs
  12. Be able to communicate verbally, written or via sign language.

Our hiring process depends on the availability of space.  After your case is reviewed, you will undergo an intake process and placed on a waiting list if you qualify.

We determine how much you are going to earn based on your Productivity. Meaning that if you perform your assigned tasks Quickly and with high quality, the more you may earn, Wages also vary from work site to work site.

Employment Services Program



What is the objective of the Employment Services Program (ESP)?

The objective of the program is to provide ESP program participants  with effective and realistic employment opportunities through assistance with preparation, obtained and retention of unsubsidized employment.


There are four requirements that must be met before individuals become eligible for ESP:

  1. Individuals must have a documented diagnosis of mental Illness by the Imperial County Behavioral Health Services and by the Department of Rehabilitation.
  2. Individuals must be residents of County of Imperial.
  3. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older.
  4. Individuals must be available and ready to work.

Who is eligible for ESP?


How does someone become a client of ESP?

To become a client of ESP, and individual must be registered with Imperial County Behavioral Health Services (ICBHS).  Once ICBHS Determines an individual is job ready, they are then referred to the Department of Rehabilitation (DOR). DOR will create an Individual Service Plan and issue a referral/authorization for enrollment into the Employment Services Program.





What type of employment skills does ESP teach its clients?

Interview Techniques, Resume Development, Application Preparation, Appropriate work behaviors and work ethics, relevant work practices, Appropriate grooming and hygiene, assistance in becoming knowledgeable regarding the impact, of employment on the client and their disability. Assist with benefits planning related to employment, Identification of additional support services such as meeting transportation, childcare or other needs.





When does participation end for a client in ESP?

Does ESP assist its clients with Job Development, Placement and Retention?

When a client is hired and has maintained his or her employment for 90 days or more, he or she is successfully discharged from ESP.

Upon determination of a client’s preparedness to engage in job search activities, the ICWTC job Placement Specialist and the DOR/ICBHS consumer will collaborate in the following activities as guided by the Individual Service Plan.

  1. Identification of specific job openings appropriate for the individual.
  2. Contact of employers to identify job openings.
  3. Obtaining information detailing qualifications and work site requirements for specific job opportunities to ensure applicant readiness and success on the job.
  4. Job site consultation to identify or modify barriers.
  5. Negotiating job carving, work site analysis or other job accommodations.
  6. Assisting client in the interviewing process.
  7. Assist client in coordinating transportation needs.
  8. Provision of job clubs or tools to assist in job search.

Upon Job Placement:

  1. Job destination training.
  2. Job orientation assistance.
  3. Information on condition of employment, such as:
  • Job duties and job description
  • Performance expectations
  • Name of immediate supervisor
  • Responsibilities of the employee
  • Wage payment practices
  • Benefits
  • Company policies and procedures including conflict
  • Resolution procedures and health and safety practices
  • Probation and performance evaluation procedures
  • Union status, as appropriate.

Imperial County Work Training Center, Inc.

210 Wake Avenue, El Centro, CA 92243

Telephone: (760)352-6181  •  Fax: (760)352-6332

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